A General Guide to Dark Age of Camelot gameplay mechanics.

Piercing VS Leather

General Damage Calculation Mechanics
Melee Damage Calculator
Character Stats
Stealth Mechanics
Weaponspeed Calculator
Style Growth Rates By Realm
Weaponskill Calculator
Spell Damage Calculator
Uthgard Testing Results

The observed min and max here are 98 and 139 for mainhand, and 83 and 118 for offhand respectively. The predicted values are 117 to 174 for the mainhand and 97 to 138 for the offhand. The predicted values vs observed in this case differ by 10%

Calculating the Predicted Values

Recommended reading:


Pierce vs Reinforced

Testing Player Crafted weapons were as follows

Arcanite Exceptional Rapier (Mainhand Weapon) 16.5 dps (16.0 effective dps) 3.9 Speed 99% quality 0% bonus

Arcanite Exceptional Stiletto (Offhand Weapon) 16.5 dps (16.0 effective dps) 3.3 Speed 99% quality 0% bonus

Determining damage cap

Damage Cap = EDPS * SPD * 3 * (1 + (SPD - 2) * .03) * (1.1 + (0.005 x spec) )

16.0 x 3.9 x 3 x 1.057 x 1 = 198
16.0 x 3.3 x 3 x 1.039 x 1 = 164

Determining base damage range -

EDPS * (your WS/target AF) * (1-absorb) * (1-base resists) * (1-RA resists) * slow weap bonus * SPD * 2h weapon bonus

2h weapon bonus = 1.1 + (0.005 x spec)

SLow Weapon bonus = 1 + ( (spd - 2) x 0.03)

16.0 x (1128 / 569) x 3.9 x 1.057
16.0 x (1128 / 569) x 3.3 x 1.039

16 x 1.9824253075571177504393673110721 x 4.1223 = 130.75442952548330404217926186292
16 x 1.9824253075571177504393673110721 x 3.4287 = 108.75426643233743409490333919156

Variance adjustments due to 51 spec

130.7 x 1.0 = 130.7 adjusted min value
130.7 x 1.41 = 194.1 adjusted max value
108.7 x 1.0 = 108.7 adjusted min value
108.7 x 1.41 = 153.2 adjusted max value

10% Absorption Adjustment

130.7 x 0.90 = 117.6 predicted min value
194.1 x 0.90 = 174.6 predicted max value
108.7 x 0.90 = 97.8 predicted min value
153.2 x 0.90 = 137.8 predicted max value